On Saturday, October 6, a group of Blue Rock alumni gathered at The Queen of Apostles Crypt in the Cathedral Cemetery in Wilmington to dedicate a Memorial Bench to the honor of Roy Jones and Greg Papaleo. The following is the program from that memorial.
"Our gathering today to commemorate the lives of Roy Jones and Greg Papaleo is the culmination of determination and effort of many people in the past 18 months. The genesis, or seed, of this desire resonated with the anniversary of the death of one of our own, and a need to recognize and pay tribute to the ultimate sacrifices.
Please take a moment to reflect on the names listed below . . . these individuals took time out of their busy lives and came together as a collective whole to honor the memory of Roy and Greg which will stand the test of time. This group, within a short amount of time, was able to raise the funds necessary to design and purchase a beautiful granite bench with the Marine Corps insignia and the Blue Rock Drum and Bugle Corps emblem. The bench will reside in their crypt for all to sit, remember, and reflect on how these two young men affected our lives. It allows us an opportunity to let them know that they live on in our hearts, now and forever.
The friends of Roy and Greg wall agree to utilize any residual funds for the Warrior Weekend Program with the intent of continuing our recognition of all they have given us . . . our liberties and freedom of choice as Americans!
Today we pay tribute to Roy and Greg, their families, their country, and their friends. As some of you may know . . . "It takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but it takes a lifetime to forget them."
Mike Batten
On Saturday, October 6, a group of Blue Rock alumni gathered at The Queen of Apostles Crypt in the Cathedral Cemetery in Wilmington to dedicate a Memorial Bench to the honor of Roy Jones and Greg Papaleo. The following is the program from that memorial.
"Our gathering today to commemorate the lives of Roy Jones and Greg Papaleo is the culmination of determination and effort of many people in the past 18 months. The genesis, or seed, of this desire resonated with the anniversary of the death of one of our own, and a need to recognize and pay tribute to the ultimate sacrifices.
Please take a moment to reflect on the names listed below . . . these individuals took time out of their busy lives and came together as a collective whole to honor the memory of Roy and Greg which will stand the test of time. This group, within a short amount of time, was able to raise the funds necessary to design and purchase a beautiful granite bench with the Marine Corps insignia and the Blue Rock Drum and Bugle Corps emblem. The bench will reside in their crypt for all to sit, remember, and reflect on how these two young men affected our lives. It allows us an opportunity to let them know that they live on in our hearts, now and forever.
The friends of Roy and Greg wall agree to utilize any residual funds for the Warrior Weekend Program with the intent of continuing our recognition of all they have given us . . . our liberties and freedom of choice as Americans!
Today we pay tribute to Roy and Greg, their families, their country, and their friends. As some of you may know . . . "It takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but it takes a lifetime to forget them."
Mike Batten

Mike Batten - President
Gene Abbott - Vice President
Ray Abbott - Treasurer
Paula (Tucker) Boulden - Secretary
Eleanor (Thompson) Ogbin -= Chairman
Regina Abbott Ken Dennis Chuck Quackenbush
Maryellen (Burden) Boon Butch Denny Tom Quackenbush
Barry Boulden Rosie (Malanga) Eubanks Val Quackenbush
Frank Burden Gary Jones Lew Warrick
Mike Cable Audrey (Jones) Rees
Mike Batten - President
Gene Abbott - Vice President
Ray Abbott - Treasurer
Paula (Tucker) Boulden - Secretary
Eleanor (Thompson) Ogbin -= Chairman
Regina Abbott Ken Dennis Chuck Quackenbush
Maryellen (Burden) Boon Butch Denny Tom Quackenbush
Barry Boulden Rosie (Malanga) Eubanks Val Quackenbush
Frank Burden Gary Jones Lew Warrick
Mike Cable Audrey (Jones) Rees

Highlands Cathedral: Delaware State Police Pipes & Drums
Master of Ceremony: Gene Abbott
Posting of Colors: Young Marines of New Castle County
Grand Old Flag: Delaware State Police Pipes & Drums
Invocation: Rev. David F. Murphy
Scripture Reading: Rev. David F. Murphy
POW/MIA Ceremony: Ray Abbott assisted by Paula Boulden
Eulogy for Gregory Papaleo: Gene Abbott
Eulogy for Roy Jones: Mike Batten
21 Gun Salute: Lt. J. Allison O'Daniel VFW Post 475
Amazing Grace: Delaware State Police Pipes & Drums
Retire the Colors: Young Marines of New Castle County
Unveiling of Bench & Final Blessing: Rev. David F. Murphy
Marines Hymn: Delaware State Pipes & Drums
Highlands Cathedral: Delaware State Police Pipes & Drums
Master of Ceremony: Gene Abbott
Posting of Colors: Young Marines of New Castle County
Grand Old Flag: Delaware State Police Pipes & Drums
Invocation: Rev. David F. Murphy
Scripture Reading: Rev. David F. Murphy
POW/MIA Ceremony: Ray Abbott assisted by Paula Boulden
Eulogy for Gregory Papaleo: Gene Abbott
Eulogy for Roy Jones: Mike Batten
21 Gun Salute: Lt. J. Allison O'Daniel VFW Post 475
Amazing Grace: Delaware State Police Pipes & Drums
Retire the Colors: Young Marines of New Castle County
Unveiling of Bench & Final Blessing: Rev. David F. Murphy
Marines Hymn: Delaware State Pipes & Drums
Gene & Regina Abbott Jerry & Betty Miller
Ray & Margie Abbott Joseph Ireland
Anonymous Gary & Sue Jones
Mike & Bobbie Batten Dr. Irene C Jones
Cheryl (Trout) Bennett Rose Marie Marshallsea
Blue Rock Alumni Association William Martin
Barry & Paula (Tucker) Boulden Willie & Eleanor Ogbin
Richard Bowers Edward Okonowicz
Frank Burden Chuck & Val Quackenbush
Alan & Maryann Cable Tom Quackenbush
Mike Cable Audrey (Jones) Rees
Michael & Linda Cole Dennis Romanoski
Ken Dennis Donald Sholl
Butch Denny Peggy (Glass) Sliwinski
Sandra Drummond Mr. Smith
Rosie (Malaga) Eubanks Grace Emma Spencer
John Fekete Rita E Tucker
Edward Fishel Clayton (Skeeter) Varner
Joseph Flynn Barbara Weisenbach
Mike Gallaway Don Welch
Frank Haddaway
Gene & Regina Abbott Jerry & Betty Miller
Ray & Margie Abbott Joseph Ireland
Anonymous Gary & Sue Jones
Mike & Bobbie Batten Dr. Irene C Jones
Cheryl (Trout) Bennett Rose Marie Marshallsea
Blue Rock Alumni Association William Martin
Barry & Paula (Tucker) Boulden Willie & Eleanor Ogbin
Richard Bowers Edward Okonowicz
Frank Burden Chuck & Val Quackenbush
Alan & Maryann Cable Tom Quackenbush
Mike Cable Audrey (Jones) Rees
Michael & Linda Cole Dennis Romanoski
Ken Dennis Donald Sholl
Butch Denny Peggy (Glass) Sliwinski
Sandra Drummond Mr. Smith
Rosie (Malaga) Eubanks Grace Emma Spencer
John Fekete Rita E Tucker
Edward Fishel Clayton (Skeeter) Varner
Joseph Flynn Barbara Weisenbach
Mike Gallaway Don Welch
Frank Haddaway